The 3 ‘Hidden Truths’ About CBD Payment Processing

Avoiding the Common Payment Processing Pitfalls of the Industry

The CBD business is booming with an expected growth rate of over 30% annually through 2027, where it’s expected to be a billion-dollar industry. It’s an incredible business opportunity for the “right” business, but creating a profitable CBD business is difficult because of the industry regulations and the corresponding payment processing issues.

That’s why we created this mini-eBook. We want to show you many of the ‘hidden truths’ about the CBD payment processing industry because many of them are capable of being solved IF you can find a great payment processing partner to help guide you through the many twists and turns of the business.

A few of these truths are:

  • What preventative measures can you take to avoid chargebacks?
  • Can a payment processor legally hold or freeze your money?
  • What are the “must-haves” for a CBD business’s website?
  • What fees to keep an eye out for when working out a contract with a payment processor?


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