Tobacco POS

Innovative tobacco POS systems tailored specifically
to the majority of smoke and vape shops.

Tobacco POS Solutions Made For Your Business

As an established and experienced tobacco retailer, you already know how the industry works and what your business needs to succeed. And while every retailer should have a reliable and efficient point of sale system, your tobacco shop shouldn’t be the exception.

At WizoPay, we can offer you a POS system for everything tobacco-related. Our point of sale system possesses various features that can help serve your unique needs as a tobacco retailer. As a bonus, if you use WizoPay as a processor, you’ll receive a free POS system when you sign up. It’s just one of the many perks of partnering with WizoPay!

tobacco pos
tobacco pos

About Our Solutions

When you use our tobacco point of sale solutions, managing your tobacco shop is easier than ever. You can gain insight into your customers’ buying habits and trends. As products are going off the shelves, our POS system can track your inventory to ensure it’s always up-to-date. Plus, business reporting is streamlined and easy to understand for your convenience.

Are you worried about underage customers trying to slip by with one of your products? That’s not an issue for our POS solutions. WizoPay’s POS system offers an age verification feature to help protect your employees and business from any risk. And to help set you apart from the other competitors, our solutions can create custom barcodes for tobacco-related items that are unique to your business.

Why Work with WizoPay?

For your tobacco POS needs, you’ve come to the right place! At WizoPay, we closely work with our tobacco merchants to provide a personalized solution that fits your specific requirements. We understand the unique challenges that come along with your industry. So, we’ve designed a reliable tobacco POS system that helps businesses like yours.

More than thousands of customers trust WizoPay for their point of sale solutions, and we hope that you’ll trust us with your tobacco business too. When you sign up with us, you’ll receive a free POS system, including NRS and Clover, plus many other features!

tobacco pos

FAQs about Tobacco POS Systems

What does a typical tobacco POS include?

Our point of sale system includes a touch screen computer, cash drawer, barcode scanner, and receipt printer.

What can I expect working with WizoPay?

Our point of sale system includes a touch screen computer, cash drawer, barcode scanner, and receipt printer.

Can a tobacco point of sale save me money?
100% — yes! With our reporting and tracking tools, not only will you be able to save more money, but you’ll save more time as well. You can easily track your inventory and pull reports to see what is and isn’t selling.
Which tobacco stores do you cater to?
WizoPay has worked with small tobacco shops to high-end specialized stores. No matter the size of your business, we’ll be able to implement a highly efficient POS system for your unique needs.

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